RM Recruit Ltd – Equal Opportunities Policy

Last Updated 01/06/2019


RM Recruit Ltd is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all and will always adhere to such

a policy and will review on an on-going basis all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or

undesirable discrimination.

RM Recruit Ltd will treat all employees and candidates equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation,

marital status and civil partnership, age, disability, race, religion, pregnancy, ethnic or national origin

and places an obligation upon all staff to respect and act in accordance with the policy.

RM Recruit Ltd shall not discriminate unlawfully when selecting which candidate or temporary

worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment, or in any terms of employment or terms of

engagement for temporary workers.

RM Recruit Ltd will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate’s

merits, qualification and ability to perform the relevant duties required by the employment vacancy.

RM Recruit Ltd will not accept instructions from clients that indicate or imply an intention to

discriminate unlawfully.

Sex and Race Discrimination

Unlawful sex or race discrimination occurs in the following circumstances:

Direct discrimination

Under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Race Relations Act 1976 direct discrimination occurs

where one individual treats another individual less favourably on grounds of their sex or race than

he treats or would treat other persons.

It is unlawful for a recruitment consultancy to discriminate against a person on the grounds of their

sex, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins: –

• in the terms on which the recruitment consultancy offers to provide any of its services;

• by refusing or omitting to provide any of its services;

• in the way it provides any of its services.

Direct discrimination would also occur if a recruitment consultancy accepted and acted upon a job

registration from an employer which states that certain persons are unacceptable because of their

sex, colour, race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins, unless one of the exceptions applies.Indirect Discrimination

A claim of indirect discrimination arises when an employer applies a requirement or condition

generally, but which is such a proportion of persons from one racial group who can comply with it is

considerably smaller than the proportion of persons not of that racial group who can comply with it.

Indirect discrimination would also occur if a recruitment consultancy accepted and acted upon an

indirectly discriminatory instruction from an employer.

RM Recruit Ltd will not discriminate unlawfully when selecting candidates or temporary workers for

submission or a vacancy or assignment or in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for

temporary workers.

If the vacancy falls within the definition of a genuine occupational qualification or any other

statutory exception RM Recruit Ltd will not deal further with the vacancy unless the client provides

written confirmation of the genuine occupational qualification.

Disability Discrimination

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, disability discrimination occurs if for a reason which

relates to the disabled person’s disability an individual: –

• treats him less favourably than he treats, or would treat others to whom that reason does not or

would not apply, and

• the employer cannot show that the treatment in question is justified.

RM Recruit Ltd will not discriminate against a disabled job applicant or employee on the grounds of

disability –

• in the arrangements i.e. application form, interview and arrangements for selection for

determining to whom a job should be offered; or

• in the terms on which employment or engagement of temporary workers is offered; or

• by refusing to offer, or deliberately not offering the disabled person a job for reasons connected

with their disability; or

• in the opportunities afforded to the person for receiving any benefit, or by refusing to afford, or

deliberately not affording him or her any such opportunity; or

• by subjecting him or her to any other detriment (detriment will include refusal of training, transfer,

demotion, reduction of wage; or harassment).

RM Recruit Ltd will accordingly make employment opportunities available to all people with

disabilities and every practical effort will be made to provide for the needs of staff, candidates and

clients.Age Discrimination

Under the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 prohibit discrimination against a person on

the grounds of age in relation to employment and training.

RM Recruit Ltd will not discriminate against any job applicant or employee on the grounds of age


• will not treat any candidate less favourably on grounds of their age

• will not make any provisions or criterion putting a certain age group at a disadvantage

• will not use date of birth in order to select a candidate for introduction, interview or employment

• will base selection of candidates on specified level of proficiency and skills rather than requesting a

certain length of experience

RM Recruit Ltd will ensure that job adverts focus on nature of job and skills required and avoid using

any language discriminating against any particular age group.

RM Recruit Ltd will encourage clients not to include any age criteria or other subjective criteria in job

specifications and every attempt will be made to persuade clients to recruit on the basis of

competence and skill and not age.

Complaints and Monitoring Procedures

RM Recruit Ltd has a formal complaints procedure. This can be made available immediately upon request.